With AI, machines perform tasks that are commonly associated with intelligent beings. Normally, “intelligence” refers to the human and non-human (animal) capability to reason. However, “artificial” means that this intelligence is generated not by an organic being but by a computer.
In practice, AI is human-made thinking power performed by machines.
While it may sound like science fiction, AI is likely already part of your daily life. Virtual assistants like Siri and Alexa use AI to learn your preferences and suggest relevant results. AI-powered chatbots also make it possible for shoppers to get personalized help 24/7.
But AI can’t generate these insights on its own. It typically requires some form of data to complete these processes. This data could be a typed message, a vocal command, or an image.
It’s also important to remember that there are several types of AI. Organizations use one or several types of AI to accomplish different tasks.
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